Part of the “Gold Upgrade Download”

I am very excited to present to you the custom NativityPlay piano music accompaniment. This is a high quality Piano recording of the Carols in the NativityPlay. This piano music accompaniment will help you to quickly familiarize yourself with the songs.  Having this music as a guide will significantly minimize the time you spend mastering the music of the Carols.

Best of all, the NativityPlay music is free with the Upgrade plan version of the play!

The music files are in mp3 format and are Zipped. You will need the WinZIP to unzip the music files before you can play them.

To download the files, right-click on each file and select “Save target as” and save to your desktop. Then right-click on the zipfile you just saved to your desktop and select “Extract all.” Follow the prompts to extract the files in the folder. If you don’t have that option, then just click on the Zip file to open it and copy the contents to a folder.

IMPORTANT: Unless you know that you have plenty of available disk space on your computer, I strongly suggst that you delete the Zip file folder each time after you extract one file before you continue to download the next zip file. Remember music files can be pretty large!

Here now are the links to download the NativityPlay Custom Music that will help you master the Music for the play quickly!

Here’s to your successful presentation of the NativityPlay!


Signature Christiana Augustine

A Delightful Christmas Nativity Play Pageant

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